Toyo Gakujutsu Kenkyu (Vol. 63 No. 2)
2024. 11. 15

The latest issue of the Toyo Gakujutsu Kenkyu (東洋学術研究) (Vol. 63 No. 2, 2024) features a special feature themed "The Institute of Oriental Philosophy and the Founder Daisaku Ikeda," commemorating the first anniversary of the founder's passing.
In addition, the issue includes six academic papers examining his lectures at overseas universities, the Institute's "Lotus Sutra Manuscript Series," and academic exhibitions on the Lotus Sutra, along with contributions from scholars who collaborated with him on dialogue publications.
The section titled "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Faith, Religion and Thought" contains four presentations and panel discussions from the Institute's Annual Academic Conference held in May 2024. The symposium explored various themes including the relationship between AI and human experience, ways of living that involve experiencing pain and sharing true happiness, uniquely human capabilities, and the importance of religious cultural experiences that transcend human knowledge.
The latest issue also features a contribution on German philosophy and peace, an article on theologian Meister Eckhart, a column on the Silk Road series, book review, and research notes. The main articles of the past issues of the Toyo Gakujutsu Kenkyu are available in our database.
Contents (Language: Japanese) / ISBN 978-4-88596-085-7 / 1,400 yen (tax included)
Feature: The Institute of Oriental Philosophy and the Founder Daisaku Ikeda
Foreword......Nobuo Yamagishi
Looking Back on the Inter-civilizational Dialogues
The Humanist Principle......Felix Unger
The Dialogue: Audiatur et altera pars — May the Other Side Also be Heard......Axinia D. Djourova
The Founder's Academic Works
The 'Personality' and 'Formation' in Lectures at Overseas Universities of the Founder......Ryohei Tanaka
Founder Daisaku Ikeda's Contributions to The Journal of Oriental Studies
The Founder's 'Inter-civilizational Dialogue' Series
Publishing the Facsimile Edition and the Romanized Text of the Lotus Sutra Manuscripts
An Outline and the Significance of the Lotus Sutra Manuscript Series......Noriyoshi Mizufune
Current Status of the Research on Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Lotus Sutra......Noriyuki Kudo
The Lotus Sutra Exhibition
The Lotus Sutra Exhibition: Return to Buddhism as a Universal Religion......Shunji Hosaka
Cultural and Religious Exchange between Buddhism and Islam through the Exhibition 'Lotus Sutra—A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence'......Eiichi Tsutaki
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Faith, Religion and Thought
From the Symposium in Conjunction with the 38th Annual Academic Conference of the IOP
Pain-Free Society and Artificial Empathy: When AI Can Understand Pain, Will It Be a Singularity?......Norihiko Shinomiya
How Can AI Contribute to the Buddhist World?......Shuichi Yamamoto
How to Face the Incomprehensibility of Artificial Intelligence: Considering Amidst the Transformation of 'Being' and 'Pain'......Yo Hamada
The Language World of LLM-AI and the Experience of Koto-ba (Language)......Junichiro Inutsuka
Perpetual Peace and Addresses to the German Nation......Takao Sugita
Gateway to Philosophy: Meister Eckhart (1260–1328)
How Did Eckhart Explain the Sacrament of Eucharistia?......Tatsuya Yamazaki
Column: Silk Road (6)
Flying Monkeys: Hanuman and Sun Wukong......Tsugusato Omura
Book Review
Naoshi Yamawaki, Public Philosophy for Convivial and Just Societies: In the Age of Crisis (Hokkaido University Press, 2024)......Sunao Taira
Research Memo
Anthropological Study on the Popular Culture in Latin America......Daisuke Inoue
Shigeru Nanbara's Sustained Contemplation before and after World War II......Yuichi Kawaguchi